....357, model 686 with a 4″ barrel.Even with a shorter 2-inch barrel, the Model 60′s comfortable but bulky grips would wedge the gun in your pocket tighter than [insert risque simile here] and you`ve still got the sharp-edged rear sight and the hammer to think about. We compared the muzzle velocity of 158-grain Fiocchi and 125-grain Winchester PDX ammo, using a 3-inch S&W Model 60, a 4-inch Model 686 and the 6-inch Performance Center 686... I perfer guns that group well ..75″ groups at 25 yards until you start to get used to the trigger and the scope.. Strangely (or not), Top Shot`s rundown on last night`s guns makes no mention of the pistol used for the elimination: the Smith & Wesson Schofield Revolver (a..
used smith wesson model 686 6-inch
.38 Special single or double action revolver.I used to shoot Bullseye at my local range so I am an accuracy nut. Smith & Wesson`s answer to the Ruger Security Six was a long time in coming, but it stands as one of the finest revolvers ever made: the medium-large L-frame Model 586 and 686 in 1980.a.The medium-sized K frame (used by the classic . But seriously,,, .... I would like to trade it for one of the following. The owner let me fire 28 rounds through his gun,,, Man but that half-lug 5" barrel balanced great... I purchased it& .The Model 686 Classic Hunter was introduced in 1988 and has a 6-inch barrel and an unfluted cylinder; the Model 686 Black Stainless was introduced in 1989 and has either a 4 or 6 inch barrel with a black finish, with production limited to 5000; the Model 686 National Security Special was
The medium-sized K frame (used by the classic . But seriously,,, .... I would like to trade it for one of the following. The owner let me fire 28 rounds through his gun,,, Man but that half-lug 5" barrel balanced great... I purchased it& .The Model 686 Classic Hunter was introduced in 1988 and has a 6-inch barrel and an unfluted cylinder; the Model 686 Black Stainless was introduced in 1989 and has either a 4 or 6 inch barrel with a black finish, with production limited to 5000; the Model 686 National Security Special was .I went to the range on Saturday to pop some rimfire rounds,,, I met a gentleman there who was blasting away with a 5" S&W Model 620.. I gotta tell you, it was a reliable and sturdy gun, but it was essentially a boat anchor. .
I would like to trade it for one of the following. The owner let me fire 28 rounds through his gun,,, Man but that half-lug 5" barrel balanced great... I purchased it& .The Model 686 Classic Hunter was introduced in 1988 and has a 6-inch barrel and an unfluted cylinder; the Model 686 Black Stainless was introduced in 1989 and has either a 4 or 6 inch barrel with a black finish, with production limited to 5000; the Model 686 National Security Special was .I went to the range on Saturday to pop some rimfire rounds,,, I met a gentleman there who was blasting away with a 5" S&W Model 620.. I gotta tell you, it was a reliable and sturdy gun, but it was essentially a boat anchor. .....357, model 686 with a 4″ barrel.Even with a shorter 2-inch barrel, the Model 60′s comfortable but bulky grips would wedge the gun in your pocket tighter than [insert risque simile here] and you`ve still got the sharp-edged rear sight and the hammer to think about
The Model 686 Classic Hunter was introduced in 1988 and has a 6-inch barrel and an unfluted cylinder; the Model 686 Black Stainless was introduced in 1989 and has either a 4 or 6 inch barrel with a black finish, with production limited to 5000; the Model 686 National Security Special was .I went to the range on Saturday to pop some rimfire rounds,,, I met a gentleman there who was blasting away with a 5" S&W Model 620.. I gotta tell you, it was a reliable and sturdy gun, but it was essentially a boat anchor. .....357, model 686 with a 4″ barrel.Even with a shorter 2-inch barrel, the Model 60′s comfortable but bulky grips would wedge the gun in your pocket tighter than [insert risque simile here] and you`ve still got the sharp-edged rear sight and the hammer to think about. We compared the muzzle velocity of 158-grain Fiocchi and 125-grain Winchester PDX ammo, using a 3-inch S&W Model 60, a 4-inch Model 686 and the 6-inch Performance Center 686... I perfer guns that group well .
....357, model 686 with a 4″ barrel.Even with a shorter 2-inch barrel, the Model 60′s comfortable but bulky grips would wedge the gun in your pocket tighter than [insert risque simile here] and you`ve still got the sharp-edged rear sight and the hammer to think about. We compared the muzzle velocity of 158-grain Fiocchi and 125-grain Winchester PDX ammo, using a 3-inch S&W Model 60, a 4-inch Model 686 and the 6-inch Performance Center 686... I perfer guns that group well ..75″ groups at 25 yards until you start to get used to the trigger and the scope.. Strangely (or not), Top Shot`s rundown on last night`s guns makes no mention of the pistol used for the elimination: the Smith & Wesson Schofield Revolver (a..
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- Nov 02 Sat 2013 12:07
Used Smith Wesson Model 686 6-Inch
Used Smith Wesson Model 686 6-Inch